You Can’t Rush Development

Babies are gonna learn to walk when they’re ready to walk.

Preschoolers are gonna learn to use the potty when they’re ready to use the potty.

Kids are gonna learn to read when they’re ready to read.

Teenagers are gonna learn to make responsible choices when they’re ready to make responsible choices.

Every single stage has its challenges and its developmental goals. Growing is a process and as frustrating as it often is, it’s got its own timeline.

Do you know when parents are most likely to lose it with their kids?

  • Bedtime
  • Bathtime
  • Dinnertime
  • Getting out the door time

Want to know why? Those are all times when developmental demands clash with parental expectations. Those are all times of transition when whatever is driving you most crazy about your kid — their stubbornness, their distractibility, their need to test limits — are most likely to show up. You have a goal to get them to bed or get them c