You’re amazing

Hey, have I told you? I’m a big fan of yours. I mean it. I think you’re amazing.

But wait, you say, I don’t even know you! How can I be a fan? I’m a fan because I know you’ve been through some stuff and you’re ready (and willing) to make it different. I know you’re reading this right here because you’ve looked around and said to yourself, things don’t have to be this way.

You may be overwhelmed. You may struggle with discouragement. There are times you might feel hopeless. And yet you’re here anyway. You’re thinking about how to change it up.

Maybe you’ve tried a lot of things already.

Maybe you’ve tried self-help books and support groups and therapists and new work-out routines and new self-care practices and they haven’t helped as much as you hoped. Or maybe they’ve made a big difference and you’re ready for more. Good for you! Good for you for trying! Good for you for trying and failing and being willing to try some more! Good for you for trying and succeeding and wanting even more success!

You know what? Lots of people don’t try. Trying is hard because it’s risky. If you try